Mangrove Loss From Climate Change Poses Threat to Lives and GDP
In a changing climate, over 7 million people and $1 billion in GDP are at risk due to the loss of mangroves, according to a new World Bank working paper.
These Tiny Mangroves Hold Vast Stores of Carbon
Despite their diminutive appearance, scientists discovered that mangroves provide value by storing huge amounts of carbon.
Mangroves as protection from storm surges in a changing climate
Why Forests are Key to Climate, Water, Health, and Livelihoods
Forests and trees, celebrated on March 21, the International Day of Forests, are a cornerstone of addressing climate change and provide significant economic, social and health benefits.
Natural Capital: Climate Change’s First Line of Defense
As a result of the agreement reached at COP21, financial infrastructures to address climate change are being created, and encourage trillions of dollars of investment for adaptation to climate change. In the Caribbean, projects are focusing on stabilizing shorelines, reducing flooding, improving public access and protecting the resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems and the valuable services they provide.
Beyond the Cowboy Economy: Towards Natural Capital Accounting
A blog by WAVES Senior Environmental Economist Juan Pablo Castaneda on NCA efforts and the importance of working with partners in Latin America where immense natural resources are being depleted.
Nature as the First Line of Defense against Floods
A new report presents a groundbreaking approach to measuring and valuing the ecosystem services of mangroves and coral reefs. Report / Feature Article / Q&A with co-author Mike Beck
Infographic: The Real Beauty of Forests
An infographic showing how forests clean the air and water, offset climate change, and provide food and habitat for wildlife.
Colombia Needs Better Indicators for the Environment (en Español)
An interview with WAVES Consultant Michael Vardon on Colombia's work to build natural capital accounts for forests, land and water, and how results can link to policy.