Economic Accounting of Mineral Resources in Botswana, 2015/2016 - Technical Report
Natural Capital Accounting and SDGs Interrelationship
Valuing, accounting systems vital
A recent natural capital accounting workshop in Botswana brought together stakeholders from government, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations.
UN Environment and Government of Botswana sign MOU to implement work under the Gaborone Declaration
The GDSA is a sustainability initiative led by African countries.
Botswana Natural Capital Accounting for Water Supports SDG 6 Monitoring
The Government of Botswana has published its fourth rounds of water accounts.
Botswana looks to a sustainable future with release of 4th water accounting report
Having officially completed the WAVES Program, Botswana continues to lead on NCA.
Botswana Water Accounting Report 2015/16
Natural Capital Accounting and Policy
This new series of briefs demonstrates the progress made by five WAVES countries in translating NCA into policy, and also looks at three thematic areas: forests, water and energy.
Natural Capital Accounting and Policy: Botswana