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Flood defence: time for a radical rethink

Flood defence: time for a radical rethink

Flood defences and river catchment management will need to adapt and adjust to population and infrastructure changes – but so too will planning, and agricultural policy. This requires a radical rethink, treating rivers as core natural capital.
Article (13p) , 2016 , Author(s): Dieter Helm , Type: Policy
Natural partners: Why nature conservation and natural capital partners should work together

Natural partners: Why nature conservation and natural capital partners should work together

In this report, we argue that both natural capital and nature protection approaches have something to offer, but that neither is enough on its own.
Publication (40p) , 2016 , Author(s): Sue Armstrong Brown, , Type: Policy
Managing Coasts with Natural Solutions

Managing Coasts with Natural Solutions

Guidelines for measuring and valuing the coastal protection services of mangroves and coral reefs.
Technical Report (167p) , 2016 , application/pdf (5.99 MB) , Author(s): Michael W. , Type: Technical
Multitple Pathways to Sustainable Development: Further Evidence of Sustainability in Practice

Multiple Pathways to Sustainable Development: Further Evidence of Sustainability in Practice

This report examines four approaches that have been adopted at the country or regional level: Circular Economy in the European Union (EU) and Germany, Natural Capital Accounting in Botswana, Payment for Ecosystem Services in Costa Rica, and Gross National Happiness in Bhutan. The purpose is to show that there is no “one size fits all” approach to sustainable development, but rather a range of concepts, methodologies, and tools that can be used, depending on the specific context.
Publication (40p) , 2016 , Author(s): United Nations Envir , Type: General
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2016

The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2016

This report presents an overview of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals using data currently available to highlight the most significant gaps and challenges.
Publication (56p) , 2016 , Author(s): United Nations Stati , Type: General
Sustainable Development Goals Indicators: Global Database

Sustainable Development Goals Indicators: Global Database

This platform provides access to data compiled through the UN System in preparation for the Secretary-General's annual report on "Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals".
Publication , 2016 , Author(s): United Nations Stati , Type: General
